On Green Dining

On Green Dining

Chien-Ning Tseng(China Productivity Center Knowledge Management Department)

1.Green consumption as a way of life

  Among the environment friendly actions derived from the awareness of the growing concerns of the extreme climate and environmental crisis, green consumption is a proactive measure to deal with environmental issues. Consumers now, while choosing the products, are more concerned of the issues of recyclability, low pollution, and resource saving in the process of the raw material acquisition, production, sale, use and waste disposal. The practice of green consumption deepens the concept of environment friendliness, environmental awareness, and even become consumers and helps form green consumption habits to develop a new consumption culture and life attitude.

  Green consumption, therefore, is a practice of group identity to differentiate from other consumers, which gains more support of environmentally conscious consumers, and through the mutual circulation of network information, develops into a platform of common green consumption behaviors.

2.Environment-friendly dining

  Dieting is a necessary daily consumption behavior. When taking a cup of coffee before starting a day’s work, a consumer with environmental consciousness may think if the coffee beans from Brazil are certified by the Rainforest Alliance, and if the coffee growers do receive enough revenue they deserve so they can better preserve their local culture. Such simple imagination means more consideration when conducting consumption activities. Traders, by demonstrating their effort to protect the local cultures and the natural environment, also attract more consumers.

3.A dining table with better environmental awareness  

  In view of the growing awareness of green consumption, the Taipei Cultural Exploration Association launched the "Green Dining Pledge" campaign and issued the "Green Dining Guide". Food and beverage industry operators are invited to join the campaign for the use of local, organic, and seasonal ingredients, and limited use of additives, provision of vegetarian menus, and reduction of resource consumption and waste. So far there are 108 operators joining the campaign and there is still room for growth. The "Green Media" created by the "Green Dining Guide" still plays a leading role in advocating green consumption, which hopefully will develop a lifestyle in harmony with the environment.

4.Prospect of green dining

  Green dining is an environment-friendly lifestyle. It is also a unique attitude of life which integrates the philosophy of green consumption. There is still room for promotion, though. Except for Green Media and the Homemakers United Foundation, there is no substantial promotion effort from other institutions. The promotion of green dining can join that of food and farming education in conjunction with the marketing of local agricultural products and rural tourism. Green dining is but a small portion of the vast domain of food and farming education. The concept of environment friendliness in green dining, however, needs to take root in the minds of consumers.