From “Community Empowerment” to “Local Revitalization”
In the eyes of many community empowerment is the job of fools. With young people leaving the old community and the aging of population, there are still a group of people willing to devote themselves to their home land with their passion and effort. Even the job means unstable income and lifestyle they still strive to exercise the local features so they are witnessed by more people. Community empowerment starts from an understanding of the community of its "people", "culture", "land", "products”, and "scenes" for understanding and analysis of the demand on the community. Through discussion among the residents a consensus is reached for community empowerment with the aim of "cultivating the people". After the survey on the community resource the more important task is open discussion with the residents. Through workshops, residents' meetings and community talent development projects the consensus is reached for gradual promotion. What is "local revitalization" then? How come everyone is talking about it? It comes from the Japanese idea of chihō sōsei about the trinity of "products”, “place” and “people"
with the hope that geographical and culture features are integrated for the most suitable local industry. Urbanization brings a large population to big cities. So does the development of the community. With the passage of time, if the existing achievement is not taken over by the youth the community culture gradually fades away 2019 is designated as the "Year One of Local Revitalization". Communities are expected to have their own industries to attract young population for the goal of "balanced Taiwan". The main feature of local revitalization is the systematic development of industries. Social organizations rely heavily on government funding. Policy changes often lead to the loss of financial resources that are essential for community development. The integration of management coaching and talent cultivation become a critical issue of community empowerment. Community empowerment is not based on intuition. Its flourishing development starts from the local residents. With trials, communication, and adjustment industries develop out of inheritance in a sustainable business model of "local revitalization ". That is an introduction to “community empowerment”and “local revitalization”.