Blissful Essence from the Land: Interview with Shen Shih-Cheng, the "Avocado Maestro"

Blissful Essence from the Land: Interview with Shen Shih-Cheng, the "Avocado Maestro"

Oral Information/Shen Shih-Cheng      Editor/Kuo, Yen-Feng      Photographer/Lin, Jung-Yi

Avocado, also known as the "fruit of happiness" or "butter fruit" in Taiwan, is rich in oils, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and various fat-soluble phytochemicals, making it a popular fruit for health. Zhuqi Township in Chiayi County is currently the second-largest avocado-planting area in Taiwan and boasts the most diverse varieties. Shen Shih-Cheng, the head of the local production and marketing group, is hailed as the "Avocado Maestro." His avocados not only enjoy popularity locally but have also been showcased at food exhibitions in Hong Kong. Some have even been exported to the Middle East through trading companies, gaining international reputation for avocados from Zhuqi. 

Fig. 1. Avocado, also known as the "fruit of happiness" or "butter fruit" in Taiwan, is one of the most important crops in Chiayi, Zhuqi. (photo credit: Shen Shih-Cheng)

Fig. 2. Because Shen Shih-Cheng could cultivate the highest quality avocado, he is hailed as the "Avocado Maestro." (photo credit: Shen Shih-Cheng)

Originally a professional steam boiler manufacturing and repair technician, Shen once contemplated entrepreneurship with his expertise. However, with his aging parents and the shortage of manpower for agricultural tasks in his hometown, Shen decided to return to farming in 2012, to engage in avocado cultivation. He learned from his father and also sought knowledge from Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, research and extension stations, and higher education institutes like National Chung Hsing University and National Chiayi University. His efforts paid off as he eventually clinched the championship titles in the "Agricultural Technology Sharing Competition" for Chiayi County and even nationwide. He was honored as an outstanding agricultural production and marketing group leader in Chiayi County, an expert in the traceability system, and one of the Top 10 exemplary farmers nationwide. All these signify his outstanding orchard management and cultivation skills. Consequently, many fellow farmers often seek his advice on the cultivation of high-quality avocados.

Observing the messages conveyed by the leaves and trees while strolling in the orchard

"I take regular walks under the avocado trees, observing, feeling, and conversing with the avocados!" This is Shen’s key insight into avocado cultivation. 

Fig. 3. "I take regular walks under the avocado trees, observing, feeling, and conversing with the avocados!" This is Shen’s key insight into avocado cultivation.

He not only appears in the orchard for farming activities, but he also spends time just strolling there to observe the various signals emitted. We followed his footsteps at the avocado orchard, where he shared his experiences in managing the avocado orchard:
1.    It is essential to use suitable soil. Well-draining sandy soil with a PH value between 5.5 and 7 is more preferable than clayey soil. Trace elements, if found insufficient in soil testing, should be supplemented through fertilization.
2.    Before planting, the soil's hardpan (plow bottom layer) should be loosened using an excavator to improve drainage. It is crucial to ensure that there is no standing water after rain, as avocado tree roots may rot if soaked.  
3.    The moisture and nutrient levels can be determined from the color of the leaves and the grass on the ground. Grass with no lush green color signifies demand for additional watering, but it could also be a sign of disease. Wilted leaves indicate necessity for pruning of leaves to reduce water loss.
4.    Avocado trees exhibit certain appearances and reveal signals before dying. Recording these signs can help in early prevention and treatment.
5.    Micro-weather stations can be set up in the orchard to collect data for future improvements.

Be Eco-friendly: Have Mutual Respect with the Land
In fruit tree production management, Shen adheres to the principle of "mutual respect with the land." He adopts the eco-friendly practice of sod culture, a method of horticulture in which grasses are allowed to grow within the orchard or planting green manure crops and non-native grass species. Grass is cut manually and left in place as fertilizer. The sod culture helps loose soil structure, improve aeration and water retention, and enhance root growth, thereby maintaining the natural ecological balance of the orchard.

Fig. 4. He adopts the eco-friendly practice of sod culture. Grass is cut manually and left in place as fertilizer. The sod culture helps loose soil structure, improve aeration and water retention, and enhance root growth, thereby maintaining the natural ecological balance of the orchard.

Fig. 5. Pruning and shredding are not only beneficial to the growth of fruit trees, but can also be used as fertiliser after shredding.

In terms of fertigation, Shen proudly mentions that his avocados are nurtured with a special blend of soy milk. He grinds high-quality soybeans and adds brown sugar for fermentation, and then adding soluble organic fertilizers before continuous stirring in the machine. The prepared mixture is sprayed from the source of the fruit trees. This is typically done between spring and summer as appropriate to regulate the timing of avocado production. This applies to different avocado varieties to ensure a stable avocado supply.

Fig. 6. Shen’s “AVOCADO” is nurtured with a special blend of soy milk.

Over the years, there are still pest and disease challenges encountered on the trees such as brown root rot, fruit rot, ambrosia beetles, fruit flies, and stink bugs. Presently, conventional methods are still used to control these pests and diseases, with a regulated use of pesticides. The most critical aspect lies in monitoring the root system conditions to prevent problems before they arise.

Branding with Diversified Avocado Products
Shen adopted “AVOCADO” as the brand name of his avocado orchard in 2016 for the marketing of over 20 avocado varieties on Facebook fan pages and Line account. With the brand established, Shen then focused on the aspects of product development, certification systems, and organizational management.

Fig. 7. Shen operated “AVOCADO” and hoped to deliver the taste of the "fruit of happiness"

In terms of product development, avocados used to be sold as juice. To add to the value of avocados, Shen obtained a beverage blending license and led the production and marketing group to develop a new series of avocado products, such as ice cream, popsicles, salads, steamed egg custard, salsa sauce, and various DIY dishes. Additionally, through outsourcing, products such as avocado noodles, handmade avocado soap, avocado ice cream, and frozen avocado pulp were developed. Home delivery services are also offered so that consumers can easily receive avocado-related products at their convenience.

Fig. 8. Various processed avocado such as avocado noodles, handmade avocado soap, avocado ice cream, and frozen avocado pulp.


The introduction of cooling technologies and the establishment of a processing plant are significant breakthroughs in his product development. For Shen, a proficient machinery expert himself, field piping and agricultural machinery maintenance have long been part of his life. He even built his own processing plant as the only primary processing plant in Chiayi in compliance with the standards of the Agriculture and Food Agency. Shen said that, with the necessary technologies and equipment in place to implement primary processing and cutting, it is now possible to extend the avocado sales period, and to further add to the value of avocados and create a win-win situation for all.

Fig. 9. Shen built his own processing plant as the only primary processing plant in Chiayi in compliance with the standards of the Agriculture and Food Agency. (photo credit: Shen Shih-Cheng)

Leading by Example: Team Members Share a Green Gold Industry
In terms of accreditation systems and organizational management, Shen is well aware of the importance of food safety. After taking over the leadership of the Production and Marketing Group No. 49, he has worked even harder with his son and the other members of the group, and the group now has been awarded the Taiwan Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) and production traceability code, and obtain the traceability accreditation, the first of this kind among all the avocado production groups. The group strictly follows the rules of completing pesticide usage registration within seven days. With clear and transparent processes and accreditation, consumers may enjoy the products with no hesitation. A flourishing green gold industry is being developed in Zhuqi area.

Looking ahead, Shen is determined to follow the trend and seize opportunities to integrate resources and keep up with the times, and gradually incorporate IT tools and AI technologies. He hopes to embrace a new era of happiness together with members of the community and his fellow farmers.

Fig. 10. Production and Marketing Group No. 49 is the first to obtain the traceability accreditation, the first of this kind among all the avocado production groups. (photo credit: Shen Shih-Cheng)

Fig. 11. Shen taught the planting techniques to the members of the Production and Marketing Group without any compromise, leading to a flourishing green gold industry developed in Zhuqi area. (photo credit: Shen Shih-Cheng)

Fig. 12. Shen guided the members of the Production and Marketing Group and the farmers about grafting of fruit trees. (photo credit: Shen Shih-Cheng)

The steps of the grafting are as shown in Figures 13-1 to 13-7 below.

Fig. 13-1

Fig. 13-2

Fig. 13-3

Fig. 13-4

Fig. 13-5

Fig. 13-6

Fig. 13-7