In Pursuit of Co-existence, Mutual Prosperity and Common Good Chiu Kuan-Chun of Tao-city Veg.agricultural Production Cooperative

In Pursuit of Co-existence, Mutual Prosperity and Common Good Chiu Kuan-Chun of Tao-city Veg.agricultural Production Cooperative

Oral Information/Chiu Kuan-Chun,  Yu You-Chia      Editor/Kuo, Yen-Feng      Photographer/Lin, Jung-Yi


Located in Ba-De District of Taoyuan City, the Chiu family's vegetable garden has been passed down through three generations. In March 2007, Chiu Kuan-Chun returned to his hometown for a career in farming, mainly on the growth of short-term leafy vegetables in greenhouses. Through the teaching by his father and the training from agricultural institutions, he gradually developed his own business with the spirit of changes and innovation.

Chiu Kuan-Chun, who holds himself to high standards, said with a wry smile, "Innovation and change are not easy for young farmers. Over the past decade, we have used quality management tactics to develop a modern vegetable garden with the function of post-harvest processing. From standardized management at the source, planned management on the cultivation calendar, tracking of material usage, quality control during harvesting, and post-harvest freshness management, we have entered production contracts with food and beverage groups and fresh food suppliers. In 2017, we invited local farmers to organize establish the Tao-city Veg.agricultural Production Cooperative." The cooperative now manages a 10-hectare production traceability area and a 2-hectare organic zone, capable of supplying various short-term leafy vegetables year-round, making it a key vegetable producer in northern Taiwan.

Fig. 1. Chiu Kuan-Chun and his wife, Yu You-Chia, work together on the path of farming, supplying high-quality leafy vegetables to chain restaurant groups.

Fig. 2. In 2017, Chiu Kuan-Chun invited like-minded, locally rooted farmers to organize the Tao-city Veg.agricultural Production Cooperative. 


A Modern Mechanized Vegetable Garden developed with Quality Management Tactics 
With regard to the cultivation of short-term leafy vegetables that meet high consumer demands, Chiu Kuan-Chun, recognized as an outstanding young farmer in Taoyuan, generously shares his experience, mainly in three aspects: 
I.    Quality Standardized Management from the Source
(1)    Soil Management: Constant test on the soil EC values and monitoring of the pH levels (to stay between 5.2-5.5), to avoid excessive fertilization and enhance crop immunity.
(2)    Species Selection: Customized selection of species following seasonal changes to ensure stable quality.
(3)    Greenhouse Environment Control: Strict real-time monitoring of indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity of the greenhouse to maintain a good growth environment.
(4)    Dot-Matrix Standardized Planting: Planning the optimal distance between crops to ensure high-quality growth.
(5)    Water Resource Management: Independent irrigation sources to ensure pure and pollution-free water quality. Water volume is controlled based on the crop's needs during germination, growth, maturation, and harvest periods.
(6)    Integrated pest management measures for pest and disease control.

Fig. 3. Regular farm cleaning in every production cycle to address pest issues preemptively.

Fig. 4. Chiu Kuan-Chun put forward suggests to carefully observe and feel a bunch of vegetables in the field to trace and identify the cause of any problems.

II.    Planned Production Management
(1)    Rational fertilization, timely and appropriate nutrient application to enhance vegetable resilience.
(2)    Maintaining soil fertility through sunlight exposure and crop rotation; rotation shall be imposed on the most suitable crops to minimize pests and diseases.
(3)    Regular farm cleaning in every production cycle to address pest issues preemptively.
(4)    Tracking of the usage of materials.
III.    Quality and Freshness Management
(1)    Daily monitoring of crop growth conditions by equipment and human staff with detailed records to perform early warnings and ensure harvesting by fixed-specifications and quality.
(2)    Immediate pre-cooling upon harvest and monitored temperature in cold storage and cold chain transportation to reduce quality decline and loss, ensuring delivery to customers at constant temperature.

Fig. 5. Chiu Kuan-Chun demonstrates the smart irrigation system for leafy vegetables in the greenhouse.

Fig. 6. Customized selection of species following seasonal changes to ensure stable quality during harvesting.

Exploration of the crop growth by looking at one bunch of vegetable
For those interested in entering smart agriculture, Chiu Kuan-Chun, a winner of the second Top 100 Young Farmers Award, suggests to first undergo self-assessment to determine one's positioning and advantages and to have a basic understanding of the market demands. Secondly, having a certain scale of land (about 3-5 hectares) is necessary for cost effectiveness. Then, accurately maximize output based on market demand and consider issues like mechanization, automation, and the next phase of market expansion.

Moreover, while social conditions, customs, and policies differ by countries, the need for identification of leafy vegetable growth states and optimized care in time are the same everywhere. Chiu Kuan-Chun suggests to carefully observe and appreciate a bunch of vegetable in the field to trace back to the source and identify the cause of any problems.
1.    Observe the roots: A healthy main root is upright and white with few lateral roots; otherwise, it indicates poor health and requires water management.
2.     Break the stems: Crisp and easily broken tissues of the stem, without coarse fibers, indicates proper growth space, crop rotation, and fertilization management.
3.    Feel the leaves: Clear veins and thick leaves indicate balanced content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements.
4.    Harvest the best: Each vegetable plant has its unique characteristics, and careful observation reveals its vibrant vitality.
5.    Preserve the freshness: Lowering plant respiration helps maintain the freshness and color of leafy vegetables as oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide released by carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in plants.

Innovation for Survival: The New Era of Smart Agriculture
Reflecting on the development process, Chiu Kuan-Chun, a third-generation farmer, said that "survival" is a crucial factor driving the transformation of concepts. After returning home to take up farming, he frequently consulted his father and actively participated in agricultural seminars and field-trip activities organized by agricultural institutions. Chiu Kuan-Chun humbly expressed his gratitude for the resources and guidance from agricultural institutions, especially the Taoyuan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (referred to as "TDARES"). "We have had a two-generation relationship with TDARES. Since the cooperative was established in 2017, we have had various close collaborations with TDARES," said Chiu Kuan-Chun. With the coaching by TDARES, Chiu developed a broad vision. For instance, in 2019, TDARES helped the cooperative introduce smart environmental control technology, allowing commands to be sent directly from the cloud to field controllers for automated irrigation and fertilization. This not only saves labor in cultivation management but also makes irrigation more precise.

Fig. 7. The harvesting machine cuts the vegetable roots using a swinging blade from below, replacing the manual pulling and root-cutting actions.  (photo credit: Chiu Kuan-Chun)

Fig. 8. During a TDARES observation event in 2023, Chiu Kuan-Chun demonstrates the operation of a variable-spacing leafy vegetable transplanter, which improves transplanting efficiency by 3.8 times compared to manual transplanting.  (photo credit: Chiu Kuan-Chun)

In pursuit of Sustainable Agriculture: Co-existence, Mutual Prosperity and Common Well-being
In recent years, the cooperative has been known for supplying short-term leafy vegetables to famous chain groups like Din Tai Fung and Wang Steak, as well as FamilyMart. With growing demand, the pressure of vegetable shortages has also increased. Chiu Kuan-Chun has been recruiting new members and assisting new immigrant farmers to become suppliers. Currently, he has provided free guidance to three new immigrant farmers in Taoyuan, Luzhu, and Ba-De, helping them settle down by taking over the farms from retired farmers. Chiu Kuan-Chun has remained true to his original ideal, sharing knowledge and experience, even providing related agricultural machinery, embodying the cooperative spirit of co-existence, mutual prosperity and common well-being.

From a family's vegetable farm and Tao-city Veg.agricultural Production Cooperative to the participation in agricultural industry development, the young farmer of the past has grown into his midlife. But his dedication remains unchanged. Chiu Kuan-Chun and his partners at the cooperative will continue to devote their lives to the land they love, carrying on the responsibilities of farmers and leaving a more fertile dreamland for the next generation. 

Fig. 9. After harvesting, workers carefully wash the vegetables to ensure flawless quality for shipping

Fig. 10. Tao-city Veg.agricultural Production Cooperative adopts green packaging using innovative packaging materials without excessive packaging, aiming for sustainable agricultural operations.  (photo credit: Chiu Kuan-Chun)

 Fig. 11. Chiu Kuan-Chun has won numerous personal awards, and Tao-city Veg.agricultural Production Cooperative has also gained wide recognition due to the efforts of the cooperative members.

Fig. 12. Tao-city Veg.agricultural Production Cooperative implements strict temperature control in cold storage and cold chain transportation to ensure delivery to customers at constant temperature.  (photo credit: Chiu Kuan-Chun)